Young Joon Oh

My Website

What is Computational Social Science? (Network)

As computational social science continues to mature, network analysis stands as one of its central pillars. It exemplifies the core ideals of CSS: embracing new data sources, deploying computational methods to tackle complexity. Just as Econometrics carved out a niche within the broader discipline of Statistics by focusing on economic applications and specialized regression techniques, Computational Social Science is similarly seeking to differentiate itself from general Data Science.

DuckDB : DBMS for Social Scientists analyzing large datasets

The use of databases represents a potential solution to the constraints of computer memory when processing vast quantities of data. DuckDB has transformed what was previously a formidable challenge into a more straightforward and accessible process for social scientists.

PyNetlogo Tutorial

I uploaded PyNetlogo tutorial(s) on my youtube channel. I fixed some errors in the package website. It consists of two parts. Part 1 covers the basic example, and part 2 covers a sensitivity analysis.

Renaissance Network : Web crawler and Data Visualization

I built a web crawler to get network data about figures of Renaissance period. I made a tutorial video for it in my Youtube channel.

Four Tutorials on Dynamic(Temporal) Network using R (+ EPI model) and Gephi

I made four tutorials to deal with dynamic network data and visualizing them. The first tutorial is here.